Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Jaycee's Tree at the "Festival of Trees"

Sooooo, My mommy and daddy told me about an amazing aunt and cousin they have that wanted to make and dedicate a christmas tree in my name for the "Festival of Trees". Their names are Heather Jenkins and Marianne Cooley. When Aunt Marianne called my mom and asked permission if they could decorate a tree in my name my mom was speechless. She was so happy that someone would share my story with thousands of people to help raise money for the amazing hospital that I spent 3 months of my life in. Mommy and Daddy were so excited to see this amazing tree, they were counting down the days until they could go and see it. So we made it a family activity where my aunts,uncles, grandparents, and cousins could come and celebrate me and my life. They were all in absolute "AWE" . They didn't want to leave the tree and look at the others. They loved watching everyone come up to my tree and look and my picture and read my story. My grandpa loved showing me off to all the people that read my story . SOOO many people kept saying how cute my tree was. I even heard that it was one of the most popular trees at the festival. I am really not surprised because cousin Heather and Aunt Marianne are reallly creative and pretty amazing when it comes to decorating. I am most excited about the fact that someone bought my tree and that all the money is going to Primary Childrens Hospital to help other babies like me. I feel so lucky! I can't wait to spend my first christmas with my mom and dad. I am preety sure Santa is going to visit my house because I have been a real good girl!

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